KLINGELE EMBALAJES CANARIAS présente des solutions d’emballage innovantes à Fruit Logistica 2024

Du 7 au 9 février 2024, la foire commerciale leader mondiale pour le commerce international des produits frais, connue sous le nom de Fruit Logistica 2024, s’est tenue à Berlin, en Allemagne.

Naima Tabarroat Koutni, Export Sales ; Clilson Fernando Vasconcelos Ribeiro, représentant au Brésil ; et José Hermoso Varela, Directeur Commercial, ont assisté en représentation de KLINGELE EMBALAJES CANARIAS S.A. à cette exposition.

Ils ont présenté une variété de solutions d’emballage pour les produits frais et alimentaires, y compris des boîtes d’emballage innovantes pour légumes.

Ces solutions d’emballage sont spécialement conçues pour améliorer l’exportation de produits frais.

Klingele Packaging Canarias - FruitAttraction 2022 - Madrid - Les meilleures solutions pour l'exportation de fruits

Fruit Attraction 2022 et KIingele Canarias – Les meilleures solutions d’emballage

Klingele Packaging Canarias - FruitAttraction 2022 - Madrid - Les meilleures solutions pour l'exportation de fruits

Klingele Packaging Canarias a réalisé un important programme de visites au salon du commerce équitable FruitAttraction22 à Madrid !

Nous avons mis fin à une édition incroyable durant ces trois jours.

Ces visites font partie de la stratégie de l’entreprise de répondre aux besoins de ses clients et, ainsi, de collaborer avec les meilleures solutions d’emballage afin que le produit atteigne le consommateur final avec la meilleure qualité possible.

Plus d’informations en nous contactant.

Caisses pour fruits


Caisses pour

Nous sommes passionnés par le travail dans les emballages de transport alimentaire.

Nous voulions vous montrer un petit échantillon des super qualités qui sont produites au Sénégal.

KlingelePaper & PackagingGroup est un honneur pour nous de fabriquer l’emballage de caisses de fruits pour le transport.

Des champs à votre assiette !

Ici, vous pouvez en savoir plus sur nous et nos boîtes alimentaires.

emballages klingele

À propos de Klingele

Klingele est une société multinationale allemande avec une usine située aux îles Canaries depuis 1953. Notre société est un fabricant indépendant leader de solutions d’emballage en carton ondulé avec des sites en Europe et en Afrique. Depuis plus de 40 ans, nous exportons régulièrement vers l’Afrique de l’Ouest : Sénégal, Mali, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana et Burkina Faso avec deux usines de conversion en Mauritanie.

? Nous produisons et fournissons fièrement les meilleurs produits d’emballage, offrant un excellent service et des prix compétitifs et stables en fonction des normes de vos clients européens et de vos besoins. Nous sommes très présents dans les secteurs agricoles.

About Klingele

Qu’est-ce qui rend nos boîtes si géniales ? ? Les principales caractéristiques de nos emballages sont l’empilage, la durabilité, ils sont bons pour l’environnement ♻️, l’optimisation de nos palettes, ils assurent la sécurité alimentaire, sont économiques et ils sont faciles à ouvrir, faciles à ranger sur les étagères, faciles à transporter et identifier ?.

Savoir plus -> About Klingele
Connaître nos caisses d’ananas -> https://pineappleboxes.boxesforfruit.com/


Best 6Kg Mango Boxes For Plane Transport

The best 6kg mango boxes for plane transport. The perfect packaging to store your fresh fruit and the best boxes for fruits in Africa. These packages are exactly what you are looking for and more, they are corrugated cardboard boxes made with premium quality papers, perfectly customizable and self assembled ?.

What makes our boxes so great? ? The main characteristics of our packaging are the stackability, sustainability, they are good for the environment ♻️, our pallet optimization, they provide food safety, are cost effective and they are easy to open, easy to arrange on shelves, easy to transport and identify.

Klingele was founded in 1920 and we are proud to be one of the leading independent manufacturers of paper, corrugated cardboard packaging solutions and adhesives with sites in Europe, Central America and Africa.

? If you would like to know more information about our different variety of fruit boxes, please check out our website: https://pineappleboxes.boxesforfruit….

? We offer a great variety of fruit packaging for your mangoes ? and pineapples ?. Do you want to know more about Klingele? Visit our website at https://www.klingele.com/en/ ? You can also follow us on our social media: ✔️ Facebook: @klingelegroup ✔️ YouTube: Klingele Paper & Packaging Group

Boxes For Fruit

Best 6Kg Mango Boxes For Plane Transport

Best 4Kg Mango Boxes For Boat Transport

The best 4kg mango boxes for boat transport. The perfect packaging to store your fresh fruit and the best boxes for fruits in Africa. These packages are exactly what you are looking for and more, they are corrugated cardboard boxes made with premium quality papers, perfectly customizable and self assembled ?.

What makes our boxes so great? ? The main characteristics of our packaging are the stackability, sustainability, they are good for the environment ♻️, our pallet optimization, they provide food safety, are cost effective and they are easy to open, easy to arrange on shelves, easy to transport and identify.

Klingele was founded in 1920 and we are proud to be one of the leading independent manufacturers of paper, corrugated cardboard packaging solutions and adhesives with sites in Europe, Central America and Africa.

? If you would like to know more information about our different variety of fruit boxes, please check out our website: https://pineappleboxes.boxesforfruit….

? We offer a great variety of fruit packaging for your mangoes ? and pineapples ?. Do you want to know more about Klingele? Visit our website at https://www.klingele.com/en/ ? You can also follow us on our social media: ✔️ Facebook: @klingelegroup ✔️ YouTube: Klingele Paper & Packaging Group

Boxes For Fruit

Best 4Kg Mango Boxes For Boat Transport

Caisses pour ananas

Standing Pineapple Boxes For Your Fruit

The best standing pineapple boxes for your fruit. The perfect packaging to store your fresh fruit and the best boxes for fruits in Africa. These packages are exactly what you are looking for and more, they are corrugated cardboard boxes made with premium quality papers, perfectly customizable and self assembled ?.

What makes our boxes so great? ? The main characteristics of our packaging are the stackability, sustainability, they are good for the environment ♻️, our pallet optimization, they provide food safety, are cost effective and they are easy to open, easy to arrange on shelves, easy to transport and identify.

Klingele was founded in 1920 and we are proud to be one of the leading independent manufacturers of paper, corrugated cardboard packaging solutions and adhesives with sites in Europe, Central America and Africa.

? If you would like to know more information about our different variety of fruit boxes, please check out our website: https://pineappleboxes.boxesforfruit….

? We offer a great variety of fruit packaging for your mangoes ? and pineapples ?. Do you want to know more about Klingele? Visit our website at https://www.klingele.com/en/

? You can also follow us on our social media: ✔️ Facebook: @klingelegroup ✔️ YouTube: Klingele Paper & Packaging Group

Boxes For Fruit

Standing Pineapple Boxes For Your Fruit

The Best Boxes For Fruits In Africa

The Best Boxes For Fruits In Africa

The best boxes for fruits in Africa. The perfect packaging to store your fresh fruit. These packages are exactly what you are looking for and more, they are corrugated cardboard boxes made with premium quality papers, perfectly customizable and self assembled

?. What makes our boxes so great? ? The main characteristics of our packaging are the stackability, sustainability, they are good for the environment ♻️, our pallet optimization, they provide food safety, are cost effective and they are easy to open, easy to arrange on shelves, easy to transport and identify.

Klingele was founded in 1920 and we are proud to be one of the leading independent manufacturers of paper, corrugated cardboard packaging solutions and adhesives with sites in Europe, Central America and Africa.

? If you would like to know more information about our different variety of fruit boxes, please check out our website: https://pineappleboxes.boxesforfruit.com

? We offer a great variety of fruit packaging for your mangoes ? and pineapples ?. Do you want to know more about Klingele? Visit our website at https://www.klingele.com/en/

? You can also follow us on our social media: ✔️ Facebook: @klingelegroup ✔️ YouTube: Klingele Paper & Packaging Group

Boxes For Fruit

The Best Boxes For Fruits In Africa